About Me
Hi! I'm Phil Alexander and I live in Brisbane, Australia. I have worked in software for over 20 years.
During those years I've worked in most roles the industry has to offer, training, installation, support, technical support, testing, developer, team lead, operations, devops, project management, product management, design, architecture, consulting, software development manager and for the last 15 or so years in start-ups as a general manager of product and development.
I have been in the fortunate position of being asked twice to head up completely greenfield products in start-ups and in the process setup entirely new development teams in Australia and internationally. It has provided me humility, respect and empathy and for all the people I have worked with over the years.
I also like coffee, road cycling, swimming and recently have got back into building projects based on the ESP8266.
So why a blog? Given there are already so many of them. A couple of reasons.
Firstly, my uncle bought me my first computer which got me started in this industry. In the past year he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. It’s terrible to see someone with such a bright mind being robbed of their memory. It made me realise I had so many questions about his life, which now he is unable to tell me. So recording thoughts for posterity has new meaning for me.
Secondly, to see if could.
So, I decided there should be a small corner of the internet which has a record of my thoughts.